- Remember: “It’s natural to be liked.” If your need to be liked gets in the way of executing your sales plan and activities, it will have a negative impact on your sales and success. The strongest impact is usually in the beginning of the process…the cold call. Will you worry about if you are interrupting a busy person, or if they might get flustered with another sales call?
- Replace your need for approval with a need for respect! Gaining respect from others is the key. You need to know that they respect you for your experience, your knowledge, your skills (listening & questioning), your uniqueness, your integrity and your difference. Seeking respect will get you to act and perform differently than seeking approval.
- Understand the consequences of your need for approval. If you get a high number of “TIO’S” , call backs, “no decisions”, put-offs and stalls…it is usually because we don’t want to appear to be aggressive or pushy….and we would rather be liked or approved by the prospect. If the prospect has a problem, the way to gain their respect is to be persistent, polite and professional…ask for the appointment or decision. They will ultimately “like” you if you help solve their problem…not if you accept heir stalls…because you will not have helped them with their problem(s).
- Seek approval in you personal life, not at work in your sales life. Have someone special in your life who gives you all the approval and caring so you won’t need it from prospects. If you don’t have someone today…find them!
- Overcome Rejection…quickly! Don’t dwell on the rejection…it is a waste of time and it puts you farther away from reaching your personal goals. Realize that they are rejecting YOU as a person; they are rejecting any of the following:
- The call
- The interruption
- The offer
- The message or your approach
- The request…for a meeting
Remember: once you realize the rejection is not personally directed at you, the easier and faster you’ll be able to move on.
Overcome Call Reluctance or Anxiety today…Partner with another sales person to make calls.