As managers, we often ask ourselves, “How are the troops doing?” The term “troops” is more than a euphemism, because these are the people we engage in the battle for sales. The battleground today is the “Uncertain” economy which many businesses face. Look at your troops, as a General might and ask some penetrating questions.

- Is the group I have able to win? Can they achieve our objectives? Can they do more? Am I satisfied with our results?
- Do we have the right people assigned to the right tasks? Are the right people: Assigned to “Hunting or new business development roles? Assigned as “farmers” or relationship builders in positions to grow, leverage and maximize key account business? Can the effectively control the accounts and minimize competition from making in-roads?
- Do I really know why we win or lose a piece of business? Do my people know how to defeat and win against specific competitors? Do they have a plan to strategy?
- Is their activity strong especially in this economy? If necessary are they making more calls to make up for any deficiencies? Are their work habits sound?
- Am I spending enough time helping and coaching them? Am I supplying the tools, assistance and training to help them improve?
- Am I leading them? Am I setting the vision and plan for them to follow, or am I just getting “swamped” in mounds of detail?
- Is it time for reinforcements or replacements? Some salespeople won’t or can’t improve. Is it time to be honest with ourselves and replace “some of the troops”?
So how are “the troops” in your command doing? Are they advancing, retreating or surrendering?
Take less than 5 minutes to fill out our Sales Force Grader to see how your sales team compares to others and How you can improve: Free Sales Force Grader.