Navigating Today’s Sales Landscape

Today’s decision makers are busier than ever, many are doing “more” with less.


Decision Makers face ever-escalating “unrealistic” expectations to do more, do better, be faster!!!

Many are: Too Busy to: Deal with problems that haven’t YET reached the “crisis stage”

The result?

“The Status Quo.”

WHY the Status QUO?

Because of how, MOST salespeople approach them!

  • SP “waste their time”
  • May not know the prospects business or the person they are calling on
  • Give “product/info dumps”
  • Expect the prospect to “intuitively get” THEIR value
  • Don’t ask good questions, enough questions, or “tough” questions to discover a compelling reason that the prospect would consider changing from the “status quo” to an improved, impactful solution!

Whats necessary today?

  • Every conversation or meeting MUST be well planned and provide HIGH VALUE
  • Top SP think about: “How they can help customers improve their business, their results, and solve their problems?”
  • Top SP come prepared with a plan that includes an agenda, objectives for the meeting; excellent questions to ask; are prepared to handle objections & put offs; follows a process to ‘qualify” the prospect & determine if there is a “real opportunity.”

Decision Makers prefer to work with EXPERTSandpeople who know their business

  • Decision makers: want solid ideas—to make them think; expand their perspectives on what it takes to run their operation/department MORE successfully
  • Decision makers care about RESULTS your “tool” delivers to them.

They want to hear about:

*Operational efficiency

*Faster/better response times


*Improved Safety

* etc., etc., etc.…….

And, by the way. You Need to:
Have A stronger Value Proposition!!!

  • Talk outcomes; not just “products”/processes
  • Talk results to critical business issues
  • Include some metrics/stats
  • Refer to client successes
  • Use business terminology with Decision Makers not just “engineering or technical speak.”

Ask for a Commitment & Decision in a meeting to see reactions, handle objections and define next steps.

Want to learn more and how to increase your sales, build your pipeline and exceed your quota: Register for our Sales Boot Camp, Wednesday, October 23rd.

Need to discuss a sales issue or an area for improvement? Call us at 630-560-3614

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