The Sales team: Being Better than Average
The key to becoming better than average is to “Raise Your Expectations and your Sales Peoples Expectations. Next hold people accountable. To accomplish this there are a few key elements to drive home to help make this a reality.
Watch the numbers
The single best predictor of sales success is individual pipeline reviews.
1. What new accounts are they calling on (getting appointments?)
2. Is there a real opportunity discovered after they meet?
3. Did they qualify the account properly? Example:
Quote for the decision maker?
Decision upon quoting?
Will it be profitable/acceptable?
No potential headaches?
Funding Exists?
Customer knows the price range?
Dissatisfied with current vendor?
Will leave incumbent vendor?
Timeframe is appropriate?
We have a solution?
Competitive issues handled?
4. Can we FORECAST this business (close-able?)
To raise expectations and help your people be more accountable follow the process on a regular basis (weekly?) Remember, the pipeline is the single most predictor for sales success!
Remember: Activity without results is useless!
AXIOM: “Don’t listen to what they say…watch and inspect what they do!”